High School Students, US Colleges, College Admissions, College Applications, Debate, Tutoring, Medical Research, Cranbrook Kingswood High School, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan"> Podcast | About-College-and-Beyond-Aditi-Kapadia-of-Cranbrook-Kingswood-High-School--Bloomfield-Hills--Michigan-e1lrt4i


Episode Notes | Transcript | AskTheGuest

 Hi Fives (5 Highlights)   Click for 2-Minute Listen

Aditi Kapadia is a rising senior at Cranbrook Kingswood High School, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

In this Podcast, Aditi talks about her High School interests, Extracurricular activities and her plans for College & Beyond!

Hi-Fives from the Podcast are:

  1. Who is Aditi Kapadia?
  2. Extracurriculars
  3. Tutoring Students
  4. Passion for Psychology
  5. Outlook for the Future

Episode Notes

Episode Title: About College and Beyond: Aditi Kapadia of Cranbrook Kingswood High School, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

After taking a course in Psychology, Aditi found it very interesting. She loves English and Spanish. She writes for the School Newspaper, tutors young kids. As part of an internship, she did research in AI-based diagnosis for a medical company.

In this Podcast, Aditi talks about her High School interests, Extracurricular activities and her plans for College & Beyond!

In particular, we discuss the following with her:

  • Who is Aditi Kapadia?
  • High School Interests
  • College Process
  • Priorities & Outlook for the Future

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Introducing Aditi Kapadia, Cranbrook Kingswood High School [0:35]
  • Hi Fives - Podcast Highlights [1:32]
  • Who is Aditi Kapadia? [3:26]
  • High School Interests [4:13]
  • Extracurriculars [5:24]
  • Tutoring Students [7:37]
  • Medical Research [9:52]
  • Passion for Psychology [11:57]
  • Future Priorities [12:45]
  • College Process [14:54]
  • Outlook for the Future [16:04]
  • High School Memories [16:51]

Our Guest: Aditi Kapadia is a rising senior at Cranbrook Kingswood High School in Michigan.

Memorable Quote: “So I think it's just the smaller things, you know, going to get coffee after school or whatever, it's just the smaller things, the smaller experiences I've really cherished over the years.” Aditi Kapadia about High School.

Recommended Episodes: College Experiences 

Episode Transcript: Please visit Episode’s Transcript.


Episode Transcript

Transcript of the episode’s audio.

<Start Snippet> Aditi K  0:14  

I'm just kind of taking this day by day and I've just kind of always told myself, you know, you're gonna end up exactly where you're meant to be. So just try not to worry about it too much. And I think I really that just that goes for everyone too. So I think I don't know, just don't stress about it too much and just do the best you can.

Venkat  0:35  [Introducing Aditi Kapadia, Cranbrook Kingswood High School]

That is Aditi Kapadia, a rising senior at Cranbrook Kingswood High School, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

Hello, I am your host, Venkat Raman.

Aditi loves English and Spanish.

She took a course in Psychology which she found very interesting.

She writes for the School Newspaper.

She tutors Math to young kids.

As part of an internship, she did research in AI-based diagnosis for a medical company.

Venkat Raman  1:08

In this Podcast, Aditi talks about her High School interests, Extracurricular activities and her plans for college & beyond!

Before we jump into the podcast, here are the Hi-Fives,  Five Highlights from the podcast:

Aditi K  1:32  [Highlights - Hi Fives]

[Who is Aditi Kapadia?]

I'm 17 years old, I'm from Michigan, I've grown up here and everything. Something I really enjoy doing is reading I've loved to read kind of like my entire life.


To pursue kind of like my love for writing, I've been on the school newspaper ever since I started high school. So I just you know, I've been writing interviews and you know, you know, writing articles and all that stuff and editing for it as well.

[Tutoring Students]

For the really young kids, I would say like early elementary, I would work on reading with them, you know, to kind of help with know what their letters and their sounds and everything and you know, building words in their mind and kind of connecting everything and making sentences. I think that's also a really good thing, especially at that developmental age.


[Passion for Psychology]

I think really, since I've entered high school, I've discovered that I have a really huge interest in psychology. You know, especially after COVID, right, everybody needs a therapist now. So I'm thinking when I when I go to college, I'll be majoring in psychology, and I think minoring in Business.

[Outlook for the Future]

I feel a whole mix of emotions. I'm really excited for college. But at the same time, I'm nervous. You know, it's like a whole new chapter in my life. And I mean, I guess in terms of high school, I'm just ready for it to be done. Because it's, it's been a tough journey. But I mean, at the same time, I don't want to leave my friends and everything.

Venkat Raman  2:58

These were the Hi5s, brought to you by “College Matters. Alma Matters.”

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Venkat Raman  3:09

Now. I'm sure you want to hear the entire podcast with Aditi.

So without further ado, here's the podcast with Aditi Kapadia!


Venkat Raman  3:19  

So maybe the best place to start is tell us a little bit about yourself. And we'll go from there.

Aditi K  3:26  [Who is Aditi Kapadia?]

Sure. So I'm 17 years old. I'm from Michigan, I've grown up here and everything. Something I really enjoyed doing is reading I've loved to read kind of like my entire life. So you know, I've, I've done a lot of that, I guess. And I go to a private school. And as you mentioned, I'm starting my senior years. So, you know, that's scary and exciting. But I'm just trying to, you know, take it one day at a time and kind of just work on stuff as it comes.

Venkat Raman  4:04  

Tell me about your high school interests. I mean, what kind of things interest you? Let's start with within the, you know, in the classroom?

Aditi K  4:13  [High School Interests]

Yeah. So English has always been my favorite subject in school ever since I was really young. Because, you know, I mentioned I love reading and everything, but I love writing too. And kind of writing about my interpretations of whatever texts we read in class and stuff like that. It's just always been really exciting for me. You know? So you know, because of that, English has always been kind of like a core passion for me. And I've always also, I've been taking Spanish for many, many years, kind of like since first grade. So, you know, in middle school in high school, I really I really started to appreciate it more and I really started enjoying it more than I think just because of the teachers I had, and not fully because of the subject itself but that's also kind of something I've been practicing on my own and kind of You know, encouraging myself to speak outside of the classroom as well, because I think it's a great skill for the real for the real world and stuff like that. So, you know, I would say those two subjects are mainly my interests when it comes to classes I would take in school.

Venkat Raman  5:19  

How about outside the class? What, what kind of extracurriculars are you into?

Aditi K  5:24  [Extracurriculars]

Um, well, I've been working kind of like at a real life job. Since I was 14. My first job was at McDonald's when I was 14. And before that, I would babysit, you know, children in my neighborhood and everything. But I've always wanted to kind of be independent and kind of have have that responsibility on myself in the sense of, you know, going out and just, you know, working kind of in a real professional atmosphere, kind of just like, as a side thing in the summer. I know, I always thought it was fun, and kind of like, a nice, productive thing to do. So I've been I've been doing that a lot. And I'm an involved, I'm involved with a good number of extracurriculars at my school as well. So I wouldn't really count those as outside the school. I mean, outside the classroom, I guess, but I don't know, just just kind of stuff like that.

Venkat Raman  6:13  

So what, what kind of activities are you into?

Aditi K  6:15  

Yeah, yeah, so I did, I did debate for the first couple years of high school. And I really did enjoy that I thought it was really interesting, kind of exploring these topics that are happening, you know, currently in the news and in the world, and everything, and kind of building up cases and contentions from each side. And just hearing what other people's perspectives were, and just kind of proving your own point as well. That's something I'd always enjoy. And to pursue kind of like my love for writing, I've been on the school newspaper ever since I started high school. So I just, you know, been writing interviews and, you know, you know, writing articles and all that stuff and editing for it as well. So that's just kind of something I've really enjoyed as well.

Venkat Raman  6:58  

So any special topics you'd like to write about?

Aditi K  7:01  

Um, I kind of like the student life stuff, because I love talking to, you know, other classmates and other people in my school, and, and even maybe even teachers for their opinions as well. I just I really think how, you know, so many people can have such different perspectives and kind of viewpoints on the same topic. So that's why I kind of like to go around and ask people what they think about a certain thing, and then just kind of, you know, write about it objectively, while also incorporating their point of views.

Venkat Raman  7:28  

I read somewhere that you're tutoring students as well. I mean,

Aditi K  7:37  [Tutoring Students]

yeah, yeah, I worked at I worked at Kumon for about a year or so I think last year, I did that totally online, because I was, I spent actually all of my sophomore year online due to COVID. So you know, obviously, I couldn't go into my regular workplace anymore. So I kind of wanted to find something I could do from home. Because, you know, my, my routine of just, you know, waking up making food for myself during school for eight hours. And then, you know, doing my homework just became very tedious, day by day. So I kind of wanted to do something that was a little bit different after school. So you know, I called a bunch of places, most of them are not hiring online, or, you know, for online slots and everything. And then I found this one location that did, I send them my resume and everything, and then they ended up needing instructors for virtual teaching. So I got involved with that. So that's kind of where my core tutoring experience was, before that, I would just, you know, tutor children in my neighborhood, just odd jobs here and there. And, you know, after babysitting them as well, for a few years. And I mean, now this summer, I'm also tutoring one students. So it's good. I've had, I've had a lot of experience. In addition, you know, my younger brother, I've helped him with his homework my entire life. So I don't know, I guess that counts for something. But I, I've pretty much worked with children for a large part of my life.

Venkat Raman  8:55  

So what do you tutor normally, any particular topic, um,

Aditi K  8:58  

I would say predominantly math, because, you know, the children I work with are typically in elementary or middle school. And so in middle school, I was pretty decent at math. And so I still remember most of it, because, you know, it just keeps building on itself, as you go through high school and other years of schooling in your life. And that's just kind of something I've, that's kind of stuck with me, and I just remember a good portion of it. For the really young kids, I would say like early elementary, I would work on reading with them, you know, to kind of help with know what their letters and their sounds and everything and you know, building words in their mind and kind of connecting everything and making sentences. I think that's also a really good thing, especially at that developmental age. So those are just kind of some of the things I've worked on them with.

Venkat Raman  9:46  

There's something about medical research that I've read somewhere as well. Is that something in the community that you're doing?

Aditi K  9:52  [Medical Research]

Yeah. So kind of a few months ago, I got this internship through this company actually through the University of New chigan and it's this company that is really cool, actually. And what it does is it uses its AI to kind of diagnose people. So they hired me as an intern. And essentially what my role was, is that I do medical research for that company to kind of help program their AI to prevent false diagnoses and people, and so to kind of classify them medically in a in a correct way. And by you know, collecting the more data and doing more research, you can kind of condition the AI to, you know, block out those things that may not be true in the person. And so, some examples of that would be, you know, my, my supervisor would give me these mock cases of different people with different medical conditions that may be experiencing this some kind of sickness, right. So based on those medical conditions, what they do or don't have, the action taken would be different, you know, for some of them, you will call 911 directly, for others, it will be less severe, you will just kind of talk to their peers, to their, you know, primary care provider or whatever. So kind of by by doing those, and by building up a lot of those false cases, you're, as I mentioned, with the AI, you're kind of blocking out the incorrect stuff, and just kind of toning it and making it more accurate.

Venkat Raman  11:18  

Cool. That's, that's really cool. Now is research something of interest to you?

Aditi K  11:23  

Yeah, I guess it kind of has been something I've I've enjoyed that's kind of developed pretty recently, I don't think it would be something I mainly want to pursue in college and you know, my real life career. But it is definitely something I do enjoy working on. And kind of, I'm trying to explore as many fields as possible to kind of really narrow down what I want to spend the rest of my life doing.

Venkat Raman  11:50  

So out of all these things that you're doing. What is it that excites you the most? What do you think you have some expression?

Aditi K  11:57  [Passion for Psychology]

Um, I think really, since I've entered high school, I've discovered that I have a really huge interest in Psychology. You know, especially after COVID, right, everybody needs a therapist now. So I'm thinking when I, when I go to college, I'll be my are majoring in psychology, and I think minoring in Business, because I do have some financial experience as well. And I don't know, I just think I'm probably gonna go to clinical route in psychology, not necessarily the research route. This is always something that's interested in me. And I do think as of now, it would be something I would love to spend the rest of my life doing.

Venkat Raman  12:35  

So talking about the rest of your life. How are you looking at your future? What are your priorities? I mean, what's important to you?

Aditi K  12:45  [Future Priorities]

Yeah, I mean, I guess what I'm focusing on right now is trying to be accepted into a good university. You know, I guess I suppose that's a subjective term. But I mean, just a university that has a good Psychology program. So I've been looking at a few across the nation. I would, I would say, I'm trying to stay in state, though, you know, for tuition purposes and all that, but I don't know, I've just been looking at different cities and the schools that are there just to kind of, I don't know, that I think would be good for my career.

Venkat Raman  13:17  

Are you finding that there are good ones that you want to be at? Can you see yourself at?

Aditi K  13:23  

Yeah, for sure. One that I'm really looking at is University of Michigan, my parents and I have kind of just looked at that my whole life pretty much, because we've had, you know, medical history there, which is kind of separate from all of this, but I can really see myself going there. So I mean, if I am admitted, there, I would be really happy and, and all the other colleges would kind of just be you know, I would say backup plans.

Venkat Raman  13:46  

You know, you mentioned that you'd like to study Psychology? What is what is your, you know, career look like after that? What, what is it that you want to accomplish?

Aditi K  13:56  

Yeah, I think I would also really see myself being a therapist for, I would say, mainly adolescents, kind of maybe children and a few adults, but I really do think the adolescents because I think I would have a good connection with, you know, my future clients, I suppose, just with everything that's going on, I would kind of have some, you know, I would understand what what, you know, they may be going through in terms of, you know, whatever, you know, medical things they may have, you know, mental health issues. I think it would be it would be really good to kind of help them through that. And I would I would really like to, you know, do that later on.

Venkat Raman  14:42  

So, as you embark on this college process, what kind of resources and help and guidance are you getting or are you looking at?

Aditi K  14:54  [College Process]

Yeah, my school is actually because it's a private school. It's a it's a really good College Prep School, meaning we have a really good college counseling team. So I've really been working with my college counselor personally, and just kind of leaning on him and kind of, you know, using his feedback for essays and applications and whatever. And he's just kind of been the one guiding me through all of this. Because, you know, I'm the eldest child in my family. So my parents from when they did their college back in Indiana, everything, it was much different for them. So, you know, I guess, in all those years, and I mean, I guess in the United States, so much has changed. So they don't really know, you know, what, what we're doing and all that. So I think my college counselor has been really helpful in that, you know, my school, just kind of guides all of its students and to what steps we should be taking at each grade level, to prepare for college in the best way possible, which I'm really grateful for.

Venkat Raman  15:53  

As you kind of prepare for all this, do you feel? What's the outlook? Like? I mean, do you feel ready for the future ready for college?

Aditi K  16:04  [Outlook for the Future]

Yeah, I feel a whole mix of emotions, I'm really excited for college. But at the same time, I'm nervous, you know, it's like a whole new chapter in my life. I mean, I guess in terms of high school, I'm just ready for it to be done. Because it's, it's been a tough journey. But I mean, at the same time, I don't want to leave my friends and everything, you know, that means so much to me. And, you know, moving on to that, you know, kind of like a new part of adulthood, I suppose. It's just, it's exciting because of the independence, but it's also really scary also, because of the independence. So I think I would say I'm more excited than I am nervous for the whole thing.

Venkat Raman  16:43  

So as you reflect on your high school experience, so far, any, any memories are a favorite thoughts.

Aditi K  16:51  [High School Memories]

Um, I would say, I don't know, like, our school dances have always been fun, we've always just gone as, like a whole group of friends. So that's just, you know, been really, you know, really nice. And I mean, even just seeing them at school, and, you know, having classes with my friends, I've loved that one, I have friends in my classes. So I think it's just the smaller things, you know, going to get coffee after school or whatever, it's just the smaller things, the smaller experiences I've really cherished over the years.

Venkat Raman  17:21  

Cool. So we're gonna start winding down here. Any closing thoughts or anything that you want to share? Before we wind down here,

Aditi K  17:35  

um, I mean, nothing in particular really sticks out to me, I think I'm just, I don't know, I'm just kind of taking this day by day. And I've just kind of always told myself, you know, you're gonna end up exactly where you're meant to be. So just try not to worry about it too much. And I think I really, that just that goes for everyone, too. So I think, I don't know, just don't stress about it too much, and just do the best you can. That's just what I've been telling myself for this whole college process.

Venkat Raman  18:01  

Cool. So Aditi Thank you so much for taking the time and talking to me. I think this will be very beneficial for all your peers and all the other high schoolers around. And I wish you all the best in your process, and I'm sure you land in a great place. So enjoy the process. And good luck.

Aditi K  18:23  

Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. Sure.


Venkat  18:27

Hi again!

Hope you enjoyed our podcast with Aditi Kapadia.

Aditi has a broad range of interests and is very involved in her community.

It is great to see her commitment to tutoring kids.

Her approach to the Future seems to be very thoughtful & deliberate.

I wish her all the luck in all her endeavors - college and beyond.

For your questions or comments on this podcast, please email podcast at almamatters.io [podcast@almamatters.io].

Thank you all so much for listening to our podcast today.

Transcripts for this podcast and previous podcasts are on almamatters.io forward slash podcasts [almamatters.io/podcasts].

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Till we meet again, take care and be safe.

Thank you!

Summary Keywords

Psychology, Podcast for High Schoolers, US Colleges, College Counselor, Undergraduate, College Podcast, High School Students, US Colleges, College Admissions, College Applications, Debate, Tutoring, Medical Research, Cranbrook Kingswood High School, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan

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