High School Students, US Colleges, College Admissions, College Applications, Public Speaking, Dance, Ballet, Choir, Dowling Catholic High School, Des Moines, Iowa"> Podcast | College-and-Beyond-Charlotte-James-of-Dowling-Catholic-High-School--Iowa-e1l5jup


Episode Notes | Transcript | AskTheGuest

 Hi Fives (5 Highlights)   Click for 2-Minute Listen

Charlotte James is a rising senior at Dowling Catholic High School, Des Moines, Iowa.

In this Podcast, Charlotte talks about her High School interests, her involvement in the high school community, and as a rising senior, her plans for College & Beyond!

Hi-Fives from the Podcast are:

  1. Who is Charlotte James?
  2. Special Passion
  3. Priorities for the Future
  4. What does College Look Like?
  5. Outlook for the Future

Episode Notes

Episode Title: About College and Beyond: Charlotte James of Dowling Catholic High School, Iowa.

History has always fascinated Charlotte. For Halloween she would be Cleopatra or Marie Antoinette or some other historical figure. Never a superhero!

Charlotte joins us on this Podcast to talk about her High School interests, her involvement in the high school community, and as a rising senior, her plans for College & Beyond!

In particular, we discuss the following with her:

  • Who is Charlotte James?
  • High School Interests
  • College Process
  • Priorities & Outlook for the Future

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Introducing Charlotte James, Dowling Catholic High School [0:37]
  • Hi Fives - Podcast Highlights [1:31]
  • Who is Charlotte James? [3:45]
  • High School Interests [5:16]
  • Extracurriculars in High School [6:35]
  • Passion for Public Speaking [8:07]
  • Future Priorities [9:32]
  • What does College Look Like? [11:08]
  • College Major? [15:12]
  • College Process [16:50]
  • Outlook for the Future [19:51]
  • Memories [21:31]

Our Guest: Charlotte James is a rising senior at Dowling Catholic High School, Des Moines Iowa.

Memorable Quote: “I am confident with the way that I handle myself and how I handle situations that I can't control. The future can sometimes be scary, but when I take a step back and, like, reevaluate, I'm excited.” Charlotte James.

Recommended Episodes: College Experiences 

Episode Transcript: Please visit Episode’s Transcript.


Episode Transcript

Transcript of the episode’s audio.

<Start Snippet> Charlotte J  0:14  

I am a sucker for Friday Night Lights. I love football games. Having the opportunity to dance at football games are so much fun. But just being in the crowd with all my friends and jumping up and down and doing the cheers is such a experience.

Venkat  0:37  [Introducing Charlotte James, Dowling Catholic High School]

That is Charlotte James, a rising senior at Dowling Catholic High School, Des Moines, Iowa.

Hello, I am your host, Venkat Raman.

Charlotte has always been fascinated by History.

In fact, for Halloween she has been Cleopatra or Marie Antoinette or some other historical figure.

In addition, She loves English and Writing.

She is into dance, choir and public speaking.

Venkat Raman  1:07

In this Podcast, Charlotte talks about her High School interests, her involvement in the high school community and her plans for college & beyond!

Before we jump into the podcast, here are the Hi-Fives,  Five Highlights from the podcast:

Charlotte J  1:31  [Highlights - Hi Fives]

[Who is Charlotte James?]

I I'm about to be a senior in high school at Dowling Catholic and I'm super excited about that. I'm super involved in my school as well as the community from volunteering to being on clubs and teams as well as coaching teams and teaching.

[Special Passion]

I'm very passionate about public speaking. I've had the opportunity to do a few press conferences with the governor here in Iowa. A lot of speeches at school as well as for the school.

[Priorities for the Future]

The dream job is to be the White House press secretary to be able to explain as well as speak out my mind and my word to the country would be absolutely incredible. I think.


[What does College Look Like?]

At the college, I would like to see lots of ways to get involved. Obviously, I'm a very involved person. I like doing things for my community and those around me. I would not like to see too much partying, not really my kind of vibe, I guess not, not what I'm looking for. But I also am looking for a safe campus that I would feel comfortable walking around by myself.

[Outlook for the Future]

Personally, I'm very blessed to feel as though that I am prepared for college in my future. My my education has really taught me how to study and how to end as well as discipline. With dance for so many years as well as private school, you'll learn a lot of discipline.

Venkat Raman  3:13

These were the Hi5s, brought to you by “College Matters. Alma Matters.”

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Venkat Raman  3:24

Now. I'm sure you want to hear the entire podcast with Charlotte.

So without further ado, here's the podcast with Charlotte James!


Venkat Raman  3:34  

So if you're ready, we can jump right into it.

Charlotte J  3:37  

Yeah, let's do it.

Venkat Raman  3:38  

Cool. Okay, maybe the best place to start is tell us a little bit about yourself.

Charlotte J  3:45  [Who is Charlotte James?]

So my full name is Charlotte Ann James. I am 17 years old. I was born in Los Angeles, California, but I moved to Des Moines, Iowa. When I turned three. I have attended Catholic school, all of my life. And I'm about to be a senior in high school at Dallin Catholic and I'm super excited about that. I'm super involved in my school as well as the community from volunteering to being on clubs and teams as well as coaching teams and teaching. It's super fulfilling to me to be able to touch so many lives in my own way. I guess every day. I have two dogs. We just got one last week and he's wonderful. I live with my two parents Scott and Jennifer James and then I have two younger sisters. Elizabeth James who is 15 and Jacqueline James who is about to be 13. So we have her birthday coming up to look forward to. I yeah, basically I love what I'm doing right now excited to see what senior year has in store and where life takes me.

Venkat Raman  5:07  

While in high school, what kind of, in the classroom, what kind of stuff interests you, courses and subjects of that nature?

Charlotte J  5:16  [High School Interests]

So I have always been fascinated with history. My dad majored in history in college, and I didn't know that for a long time, but I've always just been drawn to learning about nation's history as well as the world. And when I was little, I was never like, superheroes for Halloween. I always always like historical characters. So like, I was Marie Antoinette one year, I was Cleopatra, another year, silly things like that. But I've always been fascinated with history and finding out about individuals, and how they were affected by specific events and occurrences that went on in history. I'm also very strong writer, I love English class, analyzing books is super fascinating to me. And I look forward to that in class when we are in the middle of a book and we just have time to discuss the reading from the previous night. But those are probably my two favorites, English and History

Venkat Raman  6:31  

Outside of the class, what, what kind of extracurriculars are you into?

Charlotte J  6:35  [Extracurriculars in High School]

So I am very heavily involved in dance. So I've been dancing since the age of three. I went on a competitive team when I was seven. Dance there, I participated in my ballet theatres Nutcracker for a few years, I got the lead one year, I became a pre professional ballerina, with ballet de Moines. My freshman year, I made varsity dance team. We competed at State. Last year, I had the opportunity to compete my solo at state and I came in second. And now I am getting excited for senior year with dance team and finishing up my senior solo and picking out costumes and things like that. I'm super excited about that. I'm also super involved in choir, I love music, obviously, like dance, I've just grown up around it. But the group that the choir at Darling has given me is one of a kind. And we are going to Rome next year to sing for the Pope. And I'm so thrilled to like be a part of such an incredible group.

Venkat Raman  7:56  

So as you look at all the things that you're doing, do you you know, what are you most passionate about? What of all these things, What, what sort of excites you the most?

Charlotte J  8:07  [Passion for Public Speaking]

So I'm, I am very much like an advocate for getting everyone the best possible. Helping those that need it the most, and giving everyone what they deserve. Because I think to make the world a fair and honest place, we have to make sure that everyone is held accountable. Yeah, as well as given this tools to be able to account for themselves. I'm very passionate about public speaking. I've had the opportunity to do a few press conferences with the governor here in Iowa. A lot of speeches at school as well as for the school. But reaching out into my community and inspiring others is something that I've always like been striving to do.

Venkat Raman  9:09  

So as you look out into the future, what are your priorities when what are the kinds of things that you want to see happen or make happen? You mentioned one thing about accountability and giving people the tools. How do you get there?

Charlotte J  9:32  [Future Priorities]

So I for my senior year I've started taking those steps to put myself in the best position so like some things that I don't bring me so much joy anymore, maybe I stopped doing or what I need to really focus on is getting to know myself and know what I need for success and being able to put those steps tools and step stairs oh my goodness in front of me for so I can reach those goals. I, The dream job is to be the White House press secretary to be able to explain as well as speak out my mind and my word to the country would be absolutely incredible. I think with the advocacy part and the accountability, I think, like possibly someday being able to introduce legislature or ideas like that into our community would be honoring an honor, oh, my goodness, an honor to be able to represent my country as well as my family and myself in the best way possible.

Venkat Raman  10:49  

So you know, all this requires preparation and a pathway. So how are you, how are you thinking about college? Your next step? I mean, well, how do you, how do you see that? What kind of image or picture do you have? Of the place, you might want to spend four years?

Charlotte J  11:08  [What does College Look Like?]

Yeah, so for me, thinking about college has always been like, super scary, I avoid talking about it with my parents. Because it often brings up arguments and disagreements. What I picture myself in is a larger school somewhere that I can be myself without worrying, Oh, I see this person every single day, I should act a certain way around them or kind of that idea. I'm also going to say, I'm going on a few college visits this and next week, I'm going on one on Friday. And on Tuesday, Wednesday, next week, and I'm really excited to see because we're going to two different size schools. And we're going to see what really fits me because what it comes down to is how I feel when I'm there. I can think about it all I want and I can imagine a dream. But dreams aren't reality all the time. Well, most of the time. So being putting myself in the best position to have those options in front of me to be able to choose what's best for me, is probably the most important step for me as of right now.

Venkat Raman  12:26  

Okay. So are there any things you want to see in your college, or not see your college?

Charlotte J  12:34  

Yeah, so I, I am obviously Catholic. I would like, like, not to not feel pressured or discriminated against because of my religion, and I would love to be able to have those groups that I can go to. At the college, I would like to see lots of ways to get involved. Obviously, I'm a very involved person, I like doing things for my community and those around me, I would not like to see too much partying, not really my kind of vibe, I guess, not, not what I'm looking for. But I also am looking for a safe campus, that I would feel comfortable walking around by myself. There are crazy people out there won't get into that, you know, we all know. But I would also like a very a place to work out, you know, keep my stature up, feel keep feeling good about myself and things like that.

Venkat Raman  13:44  

Absolutely. What about dance? Is that something that you want to make sure you can continue there.

Charlotte J  13:50  

So I have had such a major battle with myself deciding if I want to dance in college or not. Dancing at a collegiate level like that is can be very challenging and very expensive as well. And it's also very hard to make teams when we go to a bigger school, which is what I'm looking for. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it is very hard to do. And I often have tendency to put dance before school sometimes and like forget about my homework or previous commitments. And as of right now, I'm leaning away from dance just because I went to a college, and I did a dance clinic while I was there, and I really just wasn't in love with it. It didn't really stand with some of my values. It was over sexualized. I'm like, I don't really want to be a part of this group. It just doesn't really line up with what I'm looking for when I sign up to be on a collegiate dance team. So as of right now, probably not No, but I don't know what the future holds. So

Venkat Raman  15:09  

Now do you have an idea of what you want to study or what?

Charlotte J  15:12  [College Major?]

Yeah. So the plan right now is to major in broadcast journalism, with minor in Political Science. I'm really fascinated in politics, obviously, the public speaking aspect really comfortable with, I just had the opportunity to attend Iowa American Legion Auxiliary Girls State. And it was an incredible experience. I loved every moment. But it really put me on the path that I do want to get involved in politics, and I want to stand up for my beliefs and get involved, probably not become a politician or anything like that. But being on TV for that would be a dream of mine.

Venkat Raman  15:54  

Fantastic. So now, having said that, are you open to new things that you might discover that you hadn't thought of? Fi Find in college?

Charlotte J  16:08  

Yeah, I mean, I my going into it, I'm just going to keep an open mind. Really, it's an A new beginning, a fresh start not going to close my mind off to anything really. I am a very positive and optimistic person. So when it comes to try new things, let's do it all on board. So I am very open to new ideas and opportunities presented to me.

Venkat Raman  16:39  

How are you going about this process? Of? I'm not looking for college names. But how? How are you going through the college process?

Charlotte J  16:50  [College Process]

So what were my family and I are looking into is we're looking at schools with good scholarships, that would apply to me, as well as colleges with programs that align with what I would like to go into or pursue. So that's what we're focusing on, we're also just accessibility to where I live. I don't necessarily want to go too far out of the Midwest. But out of state tuition is also a factor when it comes to deciding on college and things like that. So it's a lot to take into account. But once again, going back to the putting my best foot forward, we want to give my we have to invest in what I want to succeed in.

Venkat Raman  17:45  

So do you feel like you have all the resources and guidance that you need? Are you I know you're just starting out? You're not even a senior yet. You're a rising senior? So do you feel like you have everything,

Charlotte J  18:01  

So I feel as though my, my high school does a really great job, my college counselor is fabulous. I think the only thing that I could use more help with is like getting my parents on the same board as myself. So like, if I had more opportunities for meeting with my college counselor with my parents, and like getting everyone on the same board and same plan would probably be super beneficial.

Venkat Raman  18:36  

Okay, so so there's that advocacy and persuasion and discussion that needs to go on. Okay. And have you shared that with your,

Charlotte J  18:48  

my, yeah, my parents and I are planning on meeting with my counselor when school begins just to get the ball rolling on applications and things like that.

Venkat Raman  19:00  

Okay. So any idea of how many colleges you might apply to? Or?

Charlotte J  19:05  

Um, honestly, no, we have only had the chance to visit one. And I really loved the school. I really it was great school, it was out of state. But I'm my family and I are thinking as of right now, I would say between three and five schools. So around that ballpark estimate

Venkat Raman  19:35  

as you look ahead, I mean, there are no right answers to such things. But do you feel like you're well prepared to take on the future? Or how do you view the future? Are you positive or negative? Are you

Charlotte J  19:51  [Outlook for the Future]

I do believe I personally, I'm very blessed to feel as though that I am prepared for college and my future my my education has really taught me How to study and how to and as well as discipline, with dance for so many years as well as private school, you learn a lot of discipline. So I'm very well versed in that sense. I feel very confident and strong. I'm not scared to talk to people, as well as adults. I am confident with the way that I handle myself and how I handle situations that I can't control. The future can sometimes be scary, but when I take a step back and like, reevaluate, I'm excited. I don't know what God's gonna send my way. But I know that it is going to be just what I need. And whether that's successful or not. I know that there's a purpose in everything that I do. And it's taking me one step closer to what I need, or what my destiny is, I guess.

Venkat Raman  20:59  

No, that sounds like a very positive way of looking at life.

Charlotte J  21:03  

Thank you.

Venkat Raman  21:07  

So Charlotte, we're just starting to wind down. I wanted to give you a chance to maybe share any thoughts any memories of high school that you might have had so far, or anything else a shout out to freshmen in high school as to how they should View High School? Yeah, I mean, anything.

Charlotte J  21:31  [Memories]

Um, so my favorite memory, that is a tough one, I will probably say, I am a sucker for Friday Night Lights. I love football games, having the opportunity to dance at football games are some much fun. But just being in the crowd with all my friends, and jumping up and down and doing the cheers is such a experience. All of the football games have just been fabulous. So to my sister's, be ready to take over my room when I leave. Because I know that's gonna happen to freshmen, I'd say get involved the number of incredible opportunities and people I've had the chance to meet because I got involved at school that have led me to be so successful. So successful on my own have been super amazing. And I wouldn't trade it for the world. To my parents. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for my Catholic education, or private education. I wouldn't want it any other way. And I feel so ready for the future. So yeah.

Venkat Raman  22:47  

That's awesome. That's amazing. Thank you. So Charlotte, this has been truly very, very inspiring. And I wish you all the best in your process and hope we talk again, when you're on the other side.

Charlotte J  23:05  


Venkat Raman  23:06  

So for right now, take care, be safe, and good luck.

Charlotte J  23:10  

Thank you, you as well.

Venkat Raman  23:11  

Thank you. Bye bye. Bye bye.


Venkat  23:19

Hi again!

Hope you enjoyed our podcast with Charlotte James.

It is hard not to be impressed with this very organized, community-oriented teenager.

Charlotte has lots of interests - obviously History and English, &  dance and music are special.

She has a very positive, optimistic outlook and is approaching the college process with clarity

I wish her all the luck in all her endeavors - college and beyond.

For your questions or comments on this podcast, please email podcast at almamatters.io [podcast@almamatters.io].

Thank you all so much for listening to our podcast today.

Transcripts for this podcast and previous podcasts are on almamatters.io forward slash podcasts [almamatters.io/podcasts].

To stay connected with us, Subscribe to Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or Spotify or visit anchor.fm forward slash almamatters [anchor.fm/almamatters] to check us out.

Till we meet again, take care and be safe.

Thank you!

Summary Keywords

Journalism, Writing, Podcast for High Schoolers, US Colleges, Undergraduate, College Podcast, High School Students, US Colleges, College Admissions, College Applications

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